Thank you and goodbye! Our final week

Thank you so much for an amazing year and all your kind words recently. The children have been fantastic this year and I wish them luck and happiness for their next adventure in Year 5 in their Middle Schools. Have […]

Lights, Camera, Action!

What a wonderful performance! The children have worked so hard to help create the script, the dances and all the acting involved. We’re all really proud of their performances! (photos not uploading – hopefully working soon!)

Sports Day

Thanks for everyone who was able to make it to our sports’ day! The children were great and really encouraged each other! (Photos not uploading – hopefully be on soon!)

Language Day

It was great being taught by the children about the different languages they speak (or have been learning) at home in addition to English! The children prepared mini lessons and facts to share with their class mates. We learnt a […]

Healthy Week

We’ve been having great fun this week whilst learning about ways to keep healthy. We really enjoyed our Bike powered Smoothie!

Art project

We loved making our flowers in art. We focused on form in art whilst looking at the diversity of different flowers and petals.

Leeson House

The children were amazing and have done everyone proud. This Thursday (23rd May) is our ‘Stay and …’ session for those able to make it in to see some more photos of the trip. Here are a sample few:

Leeson House – G4

We can’t wait to go to Leeson House next week. Thank you for all your prep packing and getting ready. A few reminders ahead of next week’s trip . . .

Our visitors – cricket and RNLI

We enjoyed our cricket lesson on Thursday with our visitor from the local cricket club. We developed our throwing, catching and teamwork skills. We welcomed in visitors from our local lifeguard teaching us about beach and water safety: Adults, you […]

Feeling creative

We’ve been busy with our printing in Year 4! We’ve tested out different designs, paint and techniques to help us create a design inspired by some Indian designs such as lotus flowers and paisley leaves.  We also dazzled, wowed and […]