Dinosaurs! πŸ¦–πŸ¦΄

We arrived back to school after the half term to find out that dinosaurs had been in our classroom! We reported on our findings and are now carrying out dinosaur research, fossil digging and other Dino themed activities!

Moon Party πŸŒ™βœ¨πŸŽ‰

Today we had a moon party to finish off our space learning. After writing invites to each other and making alien party hats, we began our party with some games… rocket blast off, musical planets and the alien wants to […]

Willow growing 🌱

Last week we were given some willow to try and grow. This week we have noticed a BIG difference! Roots have started to grow at the bottom and leaves have began shooting up at the top! We are so excited […]

Book voting πŸ“š

Today we decided to vote on which new space story we wanted to listen to at home time. We each put a cube next to the book we wanted to vote for and then looked at which tower was the […]

Alien Invasion! πŸ‘½πŸš€πŸ›Έ

This week aliens invaded our classroom and left our space station in a mess! We have reported our findings to Mrs Smith and we are now enjoying being astronauts in the role play area. For our shape learning, we have […]