Healthy week!

This week is Healthy Week! It’s an opportunity to celebrate our health and happiness. In school we would usually be planning lots of fun activities linked to health and self care including, making healthy snacks, taking part in a daily Wake Up Shake Up dance every morning with the rest of school and lots of fun physical activities. Although we won’t be able to be together to enjoy this fun week, we have planned lots of activities that link to Healthy Week that you can still do at home with your families.  


Read the instructions below as independently as you can. Adults, you can either show your child the instructions on the screen or write them up on a piece of paper/whiteboard to hold up for your child to read. You must do whatever the instruction says for 30 seconds to 1 minute. 


Now it’s time for you to write your own set of exercise instructions for someone or everyone in your family! Think about what you’d like them to do and have a go at writing your own for someone else to read and follow. You could use some of the ones you read earlier but have a go at sounding out the words and writing them by yourself. You could even use some of the moves from PE with Joe Wicks.

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