Watch this insect alphabet video
Today we are going to be digraph/ trigraph spotters! Read the sentences below and count how many different digraphs and trigraphs you can see. You could print out the sentences and colour them in as you go.
Now pick your favourite digraph and have a go at writing a list of all the words you can think of that include that sound. For example…
Digraph ar:Â
This week we are going to learn about money. Let’s begin with this song all about coins….
Have a chat about money. Where have you seen money before? What have you used it for? (buying items at the shop, saving in your money box, playing games at the amusements)
Have a look at all the different coins below. Do you know how much each one is? How do you know? You should be able to spot the number in numerals and in words engraved on each coin. If you have some real coins at home then have a look to see which ones you have.Â
After looking at the coins, see if you can write down how much each one is worth. When we write down amounts we always record a ‘p’ after the number as this means pennies. If you have coins infront of you then you could use post-it notes to write down the amounts or write them on your whiteboards.
Just like tricky bug splat, spread the coins out on the floor and tell each other which coins to splat!Â
Get creative as you explore coins by making your own coin rubbings using real coins, wax crayons and paper or make an imprint of coins using playdough!