It has been our final full week and we have nearly finished this first half term and the time has flown by!
We have continued to look at traditional tales in school, spotting the features and talking about these in class and looking closely at Baba Yaga creating some amazing story maps to help us retell the story to each other. You might like to retell the story together at home or you could watch this short clip with no words which we have watched at school (adults, please check the video first as there may be external comments or enabled links to other videos/ adverts etc.).
In maths we have been exploring what we have been learning so far in place value, sharing different ways to get to 100, comparing numbers using the more than/ less than/ equal too symbols and ordering numbers from smallest to greatest. Well done to everyone who has been practising counting in 2’s, 5’s and 10’s. We have handed out lots of certificates – keep this up!
We have been enjoying our music sessions and singing with Mr Baker, recognising the high and low notes on a xylophone and practising these with our voices too.
Finally, during our Science learning, we explored everyday materials and searched outside what materials we could find and what they had been used for. We discussed why these materials are best for their job and why some materials wouldn’t always be the best idea. Why don’t you see what materials you can find around your local environment!
I hope you have a lovely weekend rest and I look forward to seeing everyone on Monday for our last couple of days before the half term. See you soon! Miss Mansell
Thank you for the update Miss Mansell ☺️
It is lovely to share what we have been up to with everyone, have a great weekend 😊