I can’t quite believe it is the last full week of November, this past month has flown by!
In Literacy we have been reflecting on our trip to Shire Hall to help us write a recount of the day. We have been looking at paragraphs to help us with our writing and using coloured paper to show these differences, Mrs Goldsack was really impressed with our amazing writing when she worked with us on Tuesday and Wednesday.
In Maths we have started our multiplication journey looking at solving equations in different ways, I have been blown away with our number facts recall which has really helped us to solve problems in different ways.
We’ve been practising and revisiting many of our phonics work that we have learnt in Year 1 and at the start of Year 2. Thank you for your support with the children’s home learning phonics books. We hope that by revisiting the alternative digraphs (e.g. how ‘ie’, ‘y’, and’ i_e’, can make the ‘igh’ phoneme in some words), the children will become more familiar and confident with spelling patterns and word recognition as we continue to revisit these.
Next Tuesday is ‘Bling Your Bike Day’. A letter/email went home earlier in the week but here is the headline info: To make cycling to school even more fun, we are having a ‘Bling Your Bike’ day on Tuesday 30th November when we would like to encourage all children to cycle or scoot to school with their bikes or scooters decorated with a Christmas theme!
We work with a charity called ‘Sustrans’ who have this handy bike buying guide too that may be useful:
I hope you all have a lovely weekend and look forward to next week! Miss Mansell