We are loving penguins in Year 2 recently! We have really enjoyed finding out facts about emperor penguins and how they survive in the challenging Antarctic climate, we found it funny the way they waddle and slide about the cold snow and ice. In Literacy we’ve continued to look at different non-fiction texts called non chronological reports and we are beginning to plan to write our own about the emperor penguin.
In Maths we’ve been continuing to measure with metres and centimetres and have had a go at measuring and comparing different lengths. You might want to explore measuring at home, can you find things which are bigger than 1m and less than 1m. Or you could explore the length of these lines using the ruler in this game.
Next week we are going to be thinking about how many different spirals we might see around us in nature, from tiny snail shells to huge elephant’s trunks and small chameleon’s tails and then have a go at sketching and shading these to showcase in the corridor for everyone to see! We look forward to sharing photos of these soon! Over the weekend, see if you can identify different spirals all around you and let me know what you can find!
I hope you all have a lovely weekend, it is starting to feel warmer and hopefully the sun shines brightly! See you next week, Miss Mansell