We have had a great week full of lots of exciting learning this week. In Maths, we have been looking at temperature this week and have enjoyed investigating and going on an adventure around school, recording and comparing the temperatures in different locations using a thermometer. We have talked about what temperatures could be linked to the words, cold, cool, warm and hot too.

In writing, we have continued looking at poetry. We have looked at different poems that link to the seasons and weather around us. We noticed that the seasons linked to our Science work around cycles as the seasons are an example of a cycle in nature! We also enjoyed writing our own poems about winter and writing them up neatly – we are really proud of our work!

Last week we explored the school environment to identify what different colours we noticed around us. We stopped in the school garden and recorded the many different colours we could see and which colours we could see more of, this was in preparation for creating our own butterfly ornament which could camouflage in the school grounds. We started to make our butterflies earlier this week, focusing on symmetry that we would see on butterfly’s wings and focused on the colours we have seen from our colour walk.

We visited the school garden to look at the different colours we could see

In Science, we researched about different cycles that we can see in nature such as the water cycle, the butterfly life cycle and the life cycle of a tree. We also enjoyed finding out about the life cycle of a cardboard box and a water bottle in some stories. What other cycles can you think of?

Hope you have a lovely weekend, I am excited to start our new Literacy and Maths topic on Monday! Miss Mansell.

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