Let’s start with a Snow White ABC song. Get your pen and paper or whiteboards ready and see if you can write out the alphabet as you singalong. Make sure your v,w,x and z letters are straight and pointy!
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Listen to this tricky word song to help refresh your memory …
Now have a go at a 1 minute tricky bug challenge! Keep your paper handy to see how many tricky bugs you can write down. I wonder if you can beat your score next time!
Tricky bug disco!
Scatter tricky bugs around your floor, dance to some music and when the music stops you must find a tricky bug to stand on. Your adult can ask you to then shout out the tricky bug before the music starts again. Why not remove the bugs once you have stood on them and play until you have run out of bugs!
Here’s a Three Pig Jig to dance along to for your disco …
Or see if you recognise the tune to this song..
Draw/ paint your favourite character from a Traditional Tale that you have listened to this week. Think about the character’s appearance. Are they tall? Short? Fat? Furry? What colour are their clothes or fur? Do they have sharp claws or carry an object? You could use a paper plate to create the face of the character using materials such as wool for their hair.
Here’s a really simple homemade paint recipe using just cornflour, water and food colouring…