Our week: 10.09.2021
A really warm welcome to year 2! It has been lovely getting to know everyone and the children have settled really well into their new year. I would like to say thank you for making me feel so welcome to Damers!
In our Maths learning we have been exploring number bonds to 10 and 20 and seeing how many different ways we can show this. The children have enjoyed showing us what they know, some have even challenged themselves with a mini-research project investigating 100.
Within our Literacy lessons the children have written poems about bubbles after we watched a video about a child who went off on an adventure. You might like to watch the video at home, click here to watch the video. The children enjoyed discussing and writing about where they would visit on their magic bubble and what they would see too.
In our afternoon sessions we have enjoyed creating some portraits of one another ready to display in the classroom and using different pencils to help us sketch pictures of a butterfly. We also went on a scavenger hunt around the outdoors environment using our senses to help us explore.
During our Science learning, we enjoyed investigating bulbs. We discussed what it might be and the children had lots of ideas including garlic and onions! We have now planted the bulbs and are excited to watch them grow – they are already starting to change.
The children have had their first PE session with Mr Senior and enjoyed playing inside ball games. They also had their first Music session with Mr Baker this term where they were clapping rhythmic patterns and using these to create their own music.
Hope you all have a lovely weekend! Miss Mansell
Looks and sounds like you’ve had a great week. Thank you Miss Mansell, JJ is really enjoying the start to year 2 ☺️
Daisy is so pleased to be back at school, she has been telling me all about her bubble sentence.