Easter Holiday Project

In school we started to embark on our very own dinosaur research projects. Unfortunately we only got to the planning stages of our project. Why not carry on your research at home? You could use the field guide on Dinosaur […]

Friday 3rd 🎲🎲

We started to talk about doubles in school and used dominoes to explore doubles and not doubles. Listen to the Doubles Rap (1-5) to warm up your maths brains – Double Rap. If you have your own set of dominoes […]

Thursday 2nd πŸ‘£πŸ“

Dinosaur Discovery on BBC Bitesize is a great game for learning lots about dinosaurs. Collect the stickers as you complete each activity. The Diplodocus activity talks about measuring footprints and recording them on a chart. Measure the footprints of people […]

Story time πŸ“šπŸ¦–

Thank you for all your lovely comments on my last story time post πŸ™‚ I am so pleased you all enjoyed it! Here is a dinosaur themed story featuring me and Dippy πŸ¦• enjoy! x

Wednesday 1st ✍️🐞

Keep practising your tricky bugs. Use the home learning packs to help you to write them down, get somebody in your family to hide them and then go on a tricky word hunt! You must have a go at reading […]