We have been enjoying the sunshine and warmth that has been beginning to shine through again but don’t forget to send in a coat in case of those occasional showers!

We have been enjoying reading a book called ‘The Promise’. You might want to read it at home (adults please check the link first) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ynMTWupOQJ4. We have been exploring the use of colour the author and illustrator have used in the book and using these to add descriptive similes such as the wind was scratching the buildings like an angry cat… The girl’s heart was as red as a shiny ruby.

In maths, we have been busy continuing our learning about fractions. We have been exploring counting in halves from zero and beginning to find a fraction of an amount similar to the questions below. I wonder where you might see examples of fractions around the home?

Finally, a message from Mr Moore and the School Council:

Damers children will be taking part in the Dorset Sunflower Superhighway. The sunflower seeds are from Maiden Castle Farm who put together a Sunflower trail last year.  Sunflowers are a positive, happy plant that strengthens our connection with being outdoors. Sunflowers also save green species which include bees, starlings and hedgehogs. They have also become a support for Ukraine too. 

Each class in the school will grow 15 sunflowers at school to create a Damers Sunflower Trail and each child will plant another sunflower each that they will take home before they break up for May Half Term. Parents will be asked to take photos of their child’s sunflower and send it to the Harmony email address. harmony@damers.dorset.sch.uk

When the sunflower dies we will keep the sunflower seeds so we can do the project again next year, giving out seeds we have to other schools, community groups, businesses to grow our Sunflower Super Highway. 

The planted sunflower seeds will go home before May Half Term. (Please see parent mail for more information).

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend and the sunshine continues to shine! See you Monday, Miss Mansell

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