
Practise your tricky word reading with a game of tricky bug splat! Write out some tricky bugs onto pieces of paper and spread them out on the floor. Use a fly swat or spatula to splat the words as your grown up calls them out to you. How many splats can you do in 1 minute? 

Play the Yes/No game. Get an adult to write down some of these sentences for you to read outloud and answer. Remember to think about your tricky bugs and use your robot arms to help you blend the words together. Refer to your basic code sheet in your reading diaries if you need reminding of the digraphs or trigraphs.   

Do sheep go moo?

Do cows have horns?

Can a goat have a beard?

Can you milk a chick?

Have you ever been to a farm?


Since Mrs Smith’s planting assembly, your seed hunt and Earth day, lots of you have been planting seeds inside and outside. Have a go at writing some instructions for how to plant a seed. Think about using time conjunctions to begin each step such as first, next, then. Remember to use your basic code sheet to help you segment each word for writing. Parents, it’s okay for words to be written with the sounds your child has learnt even if this is not the exact spelling eg. ‘water’ could be written as ‘worter’

If you still have some more seeds and pots then have a go at setting up a science experiment. Plant the seeds in different conditions such as a dark place, cold place, no water, sand instead of soil and make predictions about what you think will happen. Observe whether this stops the seed from growing or not and discuss why this has happened. Watch this Youtube clip to get you started…

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