
Start with this Epic Phonics song

Today for our phonics session take a look at the pictures below. Can you tell which traditional tale they are from?  (The Three Billy Goats Gruff, Hansel and Gretel and Goldilocks and The Three Bears). 

After looking at the pictures, write a short caption to go with each one. Here are some suggested short sentences or you can think of your own. 

The goats like to munch on the grass.

They are lost in the woods.

She was asleep in the bed. 

These sentences focus on words that the children should be able to sound out independently to write and they have some tricky words in too (the, like, to, are, she) remember that these cannot be sounded out. 


Challenge Time! Here we go.

Today’s activity is similar to yesterdays except it’s more of a challenge. What we’d like you to do today is partition each number into its group of tens and ones. For example 21 would be 20 and 1 and 34 would be 30 and 4. Then use the red lines to add together the tens numbers 20 and 30 to make 50, then add the blue lines to add together the ones, 1 and 4 to make 5. Add 50 and 5 to get the answer 55. Repeat for the second set of numbers. Depending on how your child gets on you may want to draw some more of your own for your child or you may want to stick to yesterday’s task, it’s up to you. 

Place value cards

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